New Swimming Beef: China's Pan Zhanle Sets A World Record In 100m Freestyle, Then Called Out USA And Australia For 'Unsportsmanlike' Behavior

[Source] - Chinese swimmer Pan Zhanle called out Australia’s Kyle Chalmers and America’s Jack Alexy for unsportsmanlike behavior after winning gold when he set the new world record in the men’s 100-meter freestyle Wednesday at the 2024 Paris Olympics.

“When I finished the 4×100 freestyle relay the other day, I said, ‘Hi’ to Chalmers, but he totally ignored me,” Pan said in a TV interview after the race, as transcribed by Reuters. “Also, Alexy from the U.S. When we were training, our coach was standing by the poolside and he turned in such a way that the water splashed right onto the coach. I felt he looked down on us a little.”

Yes! Hell yes! I love that these Olympics have turned into a bitchfest with people starting beefs all over the place. We have it in tennis basically every day and now we can add swimming. Everyone was talking about Australia vs the US in the pool, little did we know it'd be a Chinese swimmer instigating it all. The 100m freestyle final was yesterday and Pan Zhanle won and was one of the only world records set: 

Now there is some backstory here. The Chinese swimmers have been called out for doping: 

Some animosity? Sure, especially a world record in a slow pool. Worth noting that Pan Zhanle has not tested positive at these Olympics. He's passed every test so far. Also worth noting that Kyle Chalmers immediately called bullshit on this story

Chalmers, who finished in second place, offered a different take.

The Australian claimed Zhanle told him “You’re my idol and I love, love, love watching you,” before the race, according to

“I find it a bit weird,” Chalmers said about Pan’s comment, according to Reuters. “I gave him a fist pump before the relays … and then my focus went to my teammates and my own racing. We had a laugh together at warm-down last night, but no issues from my end.”

Alexy hasn't said anything yet but I'd by lying if I said I hope he calls bullshit. I want some animosity in swimming. I want some rivalries brewing. Tell me he splashed China's coaches during training. It's so dumb, I have no choice but to respect the move. Establish dominance (before finishing 7th). That's what America is supposed to do in swimming. We've been subpar by our standards so it's time to turn into the bad boys of swimming. If we're going to be bronze medal merchants do it by pissing everyone off at least. 

It goes even deeper though. China blames Australia's beef for the positive doping tests: 

If anything these Olympics should be remembered for random fighting. Like I said, we're seeing it daily in tennis and now it's hit the pool. Give me rivalries and give me random arguments out of nowhere. The Olympic spirit of winning gold is alive and well. 

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